Recipe For Preparing Tasty CHIPS MAYAI

Recipe For Preparing Tasty CHIPS MAYAI

I know many of you would agree that normal is boring, sometimes a little bit of twist can make things very interesting. Back to cooking, whenever I put aside weight issues one of the meals I love to indulge in is Chips Mayai. This is basically a chips omelette and is Tanzania's second most popular dish. 

Here are the simple tips of preparing this meal which I bet you will enjoy;

3 Large potatoes
Oil for frying
1 tomato - diced
Onion - diced
2 eggs
Dhania - chopped
Dash of milk

1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into the size of french fries
2. Heat enough oil to cover the potatoes and wait until drop of water causes boiling
3. Put the potatoes in the hot oil turning to cook evenly.
4. Once cooked remove the french fries and place on a plate.
5. Beat the eggs with a little milk in a bowl and set aside
6. Heat a tblsp of oil in a frying pan, add the onions and fry until translucent
7. Add the tomato and allow to cook for a short while
8. Toss in the dhania stir, followed by the chips and stir
9. Pour in the egg mixture over the french fries allow to cook for a few minutes pressing in with a spatula.
10. Use a plate to flip over the chips mayai so it can cook on the other side and again press with a spatula.

Remove and serve hot with some kachumbari and ketchup  


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