

120G milk
25g sugar
5g salt
5g instant yeast
95g - 2 eggs
60g butter
mix them all
350g flour
mix and knead for 15 mins on flat surface
put flour on bowl, put the dough and let it rest until double in size

60g brown sugar
6g cinnamon
3g vanilla
25g butter
after the dough has double in size, rool it out on flat surface the apply the brown sugar mixture.
roll the dough, apply a liitle water at  the end so that they get stuck together.
cut to 8 pieces then apply eggwash
proof again until double in size
bake for 20 mins at 180degrees

for sugar syrup
50g powder sugar
1/2 tspn vanilla
1tbspn milk
mix, then apply on the rolls.

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